[ Mise à jour du NMT HDX-900 !
Juin 2008 par planetenumerique

Mise à jour du NMT HDX-900 !

Mise à jour du NMT HDX-900 !

Vous avez craqué pour un HDX 90 suite à notre test (le lire) et attendiez de le juger sur son évolutivité ?
En effet, nombreuses sont les marques qui promettent des mises à jour qui ’arrivent jamais.

Ce n’est pas le cas ici. HD Digitech vient de mettre à disposition un nouveau firmware.
qui corrige/améliore certains aspects de l’appareil.

Cette mise à jour se fera en stockant le nouveau firmware sur une clé USB.
Les applications NMT devront également être mise à jour par la même occasion.

En nouveauté, nous avons noté

  • Le support du Wifi et donc la possibilité de connecter maintenant des clé USB Wifi compatiles.
  • Le codec VC1 dans un fichier MKV est maintenant accepté.
  • La possibilité de partage d’un disque connecté sur le port USB à travers le réseau
  • Possibilité de changer le Skin de l’appllication de lecture !
  • Des dizaines de corrections

L’appareil est dispo e France chez Moovika pour 259 €.

Voici le détail en anglais de la mise à jour.

3. Browser
- fixed Browser no longer runs after long idle
- fixed myiHomeLite hangs when certain filename listed
- improved memory clearing, reduce time from 390ms to few milliseconds
- fixed bug where links with #xxx does not work when page is with OnLoad
- added image changing and on-the-fly loading feature
- added menu frames for file operation UI
- fixed problem changing TV mode when URL prompt is turned on
- fixed focus/unfocus not working when browser frame does not start at (0,0) location
- all page loading and refresh request disabled when screensaver is on.
- fixed screen freeze when changing onfocus image in MSP

4. Subtitle
- increased subtitle font size to 32 max, swiched to cleaner method
- subitle time adjust now from -1000sec to +1000sec
- fixed subtitle not aligned to center under certain conditions
- fixed subtitle On/Off not persistent when in playlist
- fixed subtitle centering issue, encountered with Hebrew subtitle
- fixed Hebrew subtitle bi-directional bug
- fixed external subtitle turn on/off issue, when Play All

5. Matroska (MKV)
- added VC1 in MKV support (no TimeSeek for this yet)
- fixed MKV audio sync latency after TimeSeek/td>
- fixed MKV no audio after changing from AC3 to DTS track
- fixed MKV no PCM audio after switching audio track
- fixed MKV audio info not updated after switching, reported as audio switching failure.

6. BT
- recover schedule database after system reboot
- added reset schedule function
- fixed sometimes unable to delete BT schedule

7. WiFi driver
- Atheros USB 11n driver added
- added wpa_supplicant and new zd1221 driver
- WiFi setup page updated to support new scanning method and USB hotplug
- Enable Atheros USB WiFi detection for different vendor and product IDs.

8. UPnP
- Marquee tweaks and color customisation
- fixed for TVersity playback issue
- improved crash handling

9. Network share
- Share out removable storage (e.g. USB drives) through SMB/NFS server
- Reset UDN when restore factory settings
- Removes all network shares after restore factory settings
- Able to set system password to None now, just leave it blank

10. Photo app
- fixed 1-bit PNG rendering
- fixed after photo rotation failed, slideshow paused
- fixed after rotation, photo scaling incorrect

11. Skinnability for browser UI
- refer to notes below how to modify « skins » for your NMT
- added customisable color for fonts
- added NMT watermark

12. Various patches and improvements
- fixed aspect ratio issue for 4:3 TV mode (16:9 TV mode not affected)
- added OSD message when USB keyboard inserted/removed
- turns off SPDIF out when exit playback
- fixed character ’j’ wrong horizontal position when rendering
- fixed login page wrong SD/HD server icon
- fixed Splashscreen flickering issue
- included traditional Chinese in language selection
- turns off analog video output when in HDMI (some power saving)
- added TV Mode 1360x768 60Hz
- fixed regression, when player first boot, if failed to login to server, get stuck at 2nd splashscreen for long time.
- fixed incomplete Traditional Chinese translation
- fixed delayed auto-login issue
- added additional language options for DVD subtitle and audio option
- enabled IP multicast support and USB card reader support in kernel configuration.
- fixed crash issue
- fixed DVD autoplay issue during bootup.
- fixed missing dimension and AR info
- workaround long auto-login when SMB name resolution failed
- fixed info bar becomes translucent after ISO playback (#QA0480)
- fixed « Could not play » error after pressing next while play m4a
- fixed timezone DST and other xx:30/xx:45 timezone handling
- fixed occasional HDMI black-screen after stopping video playback
- fixed DVD setup page cannot save Chinese audio
- fixed Network setup navigation issue
- fixed HDD NMT version checking when network restarted

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